hoy queria hacer un recordatorio de el mejor batero del mundo Keith John Moon!!!!
Keith Moon Es considerado por muchos como uno de los mejores, más revolucionarios y más influyentes bateristas de la historia del rock. Moon aprendió a tocar con uno de los bateristas más ruidosos de todos los tiempos, Carlo Little.Cuando en los años 1960 la banda solía destruir sus instrumentos al final de sus shows, Moon lo hacía con gran entusiasmo. Durante una presentación en el programa de televisión de los Smothers Brothers, el sobrecargó parte de su batería con una carga explosiva que fueron detonadas al final de "My Generation", que según la leyenda causó que Bette Davis se desmayara. Esta clase de acciones hicieron que fuera apodado "Moon the Loon".En su última noche, Keith Moon concurrió, como invitado de Paul McCartney, al preestreno de la película "The Buddy Holly Story". Tras cenar con Paul y Linda McCartney, Moon y su novia, Annette Walter-Lax, dejaron la fiesta y regresaron a su departamento en Curzon Place, Londres (que el músico Harry Nilsson, amigo de Moon, les prestó). Moon falleció mientras dormía, a la edad de 32 años, como consecuencia de una sobredosis de unas pastillas anti-apoplejía que se la habían recetado para que dejara de consumir tanto alcohol. Cass Elliot (cantante de The Mamas and The Papas) también había muerto allí, no solo en el mismo departamento (unos años antes), sino que en la misma cama. Tras la muerte de un segundo amigo, el angustiado Nilsson no se animaba a regresar al lugar y subsiguientemente le vendió el edificio a Pete Townshend.
*La versión de "White Riot" usada para el álbum es una grabación previa a la de las sesiones que dieron lugar a The Clash. *"I'm So Bored with the U.S.A." fue compuesta en base a la canción "I'm So Bored With You", que había escrito Mick Jones, luego de que Strummer confundiera el nombre en una charla con el guitarrista. La introducción está basada en "Pretty Vacant" de los Sex Pistols. *"Protex Blue", cantada por Mick Jones, trata sobre una marca de preservativos de los '70s. La canción finaliza con la frase "Johnny Johnny!" que es un término británico para decir condón. *"Police & Thieves" fue agregada al álbum luego de que los miembros se sorprendieran de lo corta que era la duración total del mismo. *Lee Perry, el compositor original de "Police & Thieves", escuchó el disco cuando estuvo en Londres durante 1976 y se lo mostró a Bob Marley que, como respuesta, mencionó a The Clash en su canción "Punky Reggae Party". *"Garageland" fue compuesta como respuesta a una crítica de Charles Shaar Murray hacia ellos que los calificaba como "el tipo de banda que debería regresar al garage (la cochera) inmediatamente, preferentemente con el motor prendido". Fue el último tema grabado para el álbum.
Got a feeling inside (Can't explain) It's a certain kind (Can't explain) I feel hot and cold (Can't explain) Yeah, down in my soul, yeah (Can't explain)
I said ... (Can't explain) I'm feeling good now, yeah, but (Can't explain)
Dizzy in the head and I'm feeling blue The things you've said, well, maybe they're true I'm gettin' funny dreams again and again I know what it means, but
Can't explain I think it's love Try to say it to you When I feel blue
But I can't explain (Can't explain) Yeah, hear what I'm saying, girl (Can't explain)
Dizzy in the head and I'm feeling bad The things you've said have got me real mad I'm gettin' funny dreams again and again I know what it means but
Can't explain I think it's love Try to say it to you When I feel blue
But I can't explain (Can't explain) Forgive me one more time, now (Can't explain)
I said I can't explain, yeah You drive me our ot my mind Yeah, I'm the worrying kind, babe I said I can't explain
sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2007
!!! feliz cumpleaños Ian Anderson!!
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2007
este es un encantador video de Big audio dynamite,el grupo de mick jones,donde aparte de mick aparecen sus viejos compañeros joe y paul,caracterizados como dos policias,y el loco de johnny rotten agarrandose a balazos.el principio puede parecer aburrido por la introduccion de Don Letts,miembro de la banda,pero el video es digno de ver,asi que espero que lo disfruten:
Medicine Show
Covered wagon medicine show Take you to the place where the healing flows Weak in spirit we got the juice Wont save your soul it`ll shine your shoes Treated king to kangaroo Santa Fe to Timbuktu Don`t be fooled by imitation This is the stuff that cured a nation We took the tube and the high plains too Never stopped long just passing through A drop of the laughter of the maids of France Makes a hopeless cripple dance
It was really vile weather When we got to tarred and feathered You could hear the six guns sound As they chased us out of town
In India we`re all the rave Discovered that its great as aftershave Dropped in the sea just off Japan Swapped 20 bottles for an aqua-walkman Immunity from ridicule Improves your brains if you`re a fool And I read in the Middle East They traded some for a hostage release Now if you`re bald it`ll give you hair If you got straight trousers it`ll give you flares Feeling up you`ll get depressed Out of style here`s a brand new dress
It was really vile weather When we got to tarred and feathered You could hear the six guns sound As they chased us out of town
The stuff we sell is just the best Passing all consumer test Days of heaven nights of sin Voodoo stick and sharks fin When all around you seems like hell Just one sip will make you well Multipurpose in a jar If you ain`t ill it`ll fix your car In days of yore for all bad feelings Washing socks and stripping ceilings Nowadays its used medicinally For all known human malady
It was really vile weather When we got to tarred and feathered You could hear the six guns sound As they chased us out of town
Guaranteed don`t you know Money back? You`ll get a no! It`s the one and only medicine show
Goodbye love Didnt know what time it was the lights were low oh how I leaned back on my radio oh oh Some cat was layin down some rock n roll lotta soul, he said Then the loud sound did seem to fade a ade Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase ha hase That werent no d.j. that was hazy cosmic jive
Theres a starman waiting in the sky Hed like to come and meet us But he thinks hed blow our minds Theres a starman waiting in the sky Hes told us not to blow it Cause he knows its all worthwhile He told me: Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie
I had to phone someone so I picked on you ho ho Hey, thats far out so you heard him too! o o Switch on the tv we may pick him up on channel two Look out your window I can see his light a ight If we can sparkle he may land tonight a ight Dont tell your poppa or hell get us locked up in fright
Theres a starman waiting in the sky Hed like to come and meet us But he thinks hed blow our minds Theres a starman waiting in the sky Hes told us not to blow it Cause he knows its all worthwhile He told me: Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie
Starman waiting in the sky Hed like to come and meet us But he thinks hed blow our minds Theres a starman waiting in the sky Hes told us not to blow it Cause he knows its all worthwhile He told me: Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Heaven loves ya The clouds part for ya Nothing stands in your way When you're a boy
Clothes always fit ya Life is a pop of the cherry When you're a boy
When you're a boy You can wear a uniform When you're a boy Other boys check you out You get a girl These are your favourite things When you're a boy
Boys Boys Boys keep swinging Boys always work it out
Uncage the colours Unfurl the flag Luck just kissed you hello When you're a boy
They'll never clone ya You're always first on the line When you're a boy
When you're a boy You can buy a home of your own When you're a boy Learn to drive and everything You'll get your share When you're a boy
Boys Boys Boys keep swinging Boys always work it out
know when to go out and when to stay in, get things done.
I catch a paper, boy, but things don't really change. I'm standing in the wind but I never wave bye-bye but I try, I try.
There's no sign of life, it's just the power to charm. I'm lying in the rain, but I never wave bye-bye, but I try, I try.
Never gonna fall for modern love- walks beside me. Modern love- walks on by. Modern love- gets me to the church on time. Church on time- terrifies me. Church on time- makes me party. Church on time- puts my trust in god and man. God and man- no confessions. God and man- no religion. God and man- don't believe in modern love.
It's not really work, it's just the power to charm. I'm still standing in the wind but I never wave bye-bye, but I try, I try. Never gonna fall for modern love- walks beside me. Modern love- walks on by. Modern love- gets me to the church on time. Church on time- terrifies me. Church on time- makes me party. Church on time- puts my trust in god and man. God and man- no confessions. God and man- no religion. God and man- don't believe in modern love.
Never gonna fall for modern love- walks beside me. Modern love- walks on by. Modern love- gets me to the church on time. Church on time- terrifies me. Church on time- makes me party. Church on time- puts my trust in god and man. God and man- no confessions. God and man- no religion. God and man- don't believe in modern love.
Modern love, modern love, walks beside me, modern love, modern love, walks on by…
Letra de "puerco araña": Puerco araña, puerco araña, al mal ataca con su telaraña. Su colita retorcida, da besitos con su trompita. Mira... es el puerco araña.